Robinhood Support {{{(1_855*996*0137)||| – Get Instant Solutions!
To contact a live support agent {{{(1_855*996*0137)||| at Robinhood, you can use either the in-app chat feature or request a phone call. Here's how to do both:
In-App Chat:
Open the Robinhood app on your device.
Tap the Account icon (person icon) at the bottom right.
Tap the Menu (three bars) or Settings (gear icon).
Select Robinhood Support.
Choose Contact Us.
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Select the topic that best matches your issue.
If the suggested articles don't resolve your issue, tap Chat with us to initiate a conversation with a live agent.
Requesting a Phone Call:
Follow steps 1–5 from the in-app chat instructions above.
Choose the topic that best matches your issue.
If the suggested articles don't resolve your issue, tap Request a call.
Enter your phone number and a brief description of your issue.
A Robinhood representative will call you back to assist you.
If you don't have access to your account, you can email Robinhood at for assistance.
Please note that Robinhood does not list a direct customer service phone number for inbound calls. All phone support is initiated through the app by requesting a callback.
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